Archive of Zangband Changes

Changes to Zangband game:
*fixed the problem with Rangers being penalized while shooting into trees.
*Removed the unfair failure rates on Sleep, Charm, Hold, Domination types spells. It was nearly impossible to get a positive result.
*I added a new term window which shows the 2nd page of player stats.
*copied the Monster List term window from vanilla.
*the brand weapon spells now add a temporary brand to the existing object template.
* *ID* must show the effects
* damage must include the effect
* timer must count down
*Sorcery spell: Detect Object and Treasure replaced with Temp Acid Branding.
*Added SILLY flags to the races to get rid of the really dumb monsters.
*Shoggoth jelly creature moved from depth 46 to 54 and xp increaded by 2x.
*Sleep Spell effective level boosted for the spells, and the death one boosted even more.
*Added a fail capacity to the summoning of monsters (10%) and slightly reduced the quantity of summon hi_undead and cyber_demons.

Borg Changes:

*Vampires need not purchase BI_AFOOD since they can suck blood.
*OK to wear non ID’d items that have pseudo-id inscription.
*No need to visit BM or BookStore if I dont read books. (when visiting shops before selling stuff)
*Improved the vamp-draining so he does it more when he is hungry.
*Phase door used in town instead of teleport.
*Draconian breath weapons based on different classes/clevels
*borg_lite_beam(bool simulation);
*borg_closed_num and such
*rod of illumination and rod of light borg_think_dungeon_light()
*go ahead and take stair if in some danger and on a upstair
*the scuming and getting of items after fleeing town.
*V_ Not picking up some junk takes. Selection of takes is important.
*V_ Counting the leash correctly instead of distance.
*added borg_No_Rest_Prep
*No flow to items of know value;
*Keep the good Missile potions in the inventory. They need to have value as a take in order for the borg to flow to them (two flows, flow_take and flow_scum_take)
NewTake value
case SV_POTION_CONFUSION: /* Booze */
Dont Junk it unless heavy or high clevel.
*Mind Domination added.
*Quest Levels disabled, allow him to flee if needed.
*Code the VFIRE and other vulnerabilities into borg_danger.
*Mutation with mana explosion will target self.
*Trump Weapon will ask about random teleports, inscribe with “.”
*sell/junk food if a vampire or skeleton.
*Fix the cure-not diving thing again.
*Dont flow to a kill if you are afraid.
*Trump can be activated for teleport. Include it as a source of teleport and in the borg_escape()
*some monsters may push past or kill weaker monsters, needed in borg_danger_aux(v1)
*Level 1 guys need to be able to throw stuff, especially mindcrafters.
*Like the slings more.
*dump the res_mana pot for $$
*no borg_desperate(3) if adjacent monster is faster than us.
*change towns from Outpost to Morivant.
*interact with the Restoration, Library, ID guy.
*Dont buy ?ID or ?WoR until level 3– too spendy, buy equip.
*Repaired some spawning issues relating to stats of extended classes.
*borg_flow_stair_less _more _both will AVOID if scaryguy on level.
*dont throw rocks if wielding a sling, fire them instead.
*freakout if hp =0
*Aquatics must stay in water.
*use unknown wands as weapons,
*dont throw our spellbooks as painful objects.
*wand of charm monsters coded.
*scum item flow was not looking for scaryguy monsters.
*you bite into thin air— needed to delete the monster.
*Dimension door was not working correctly.
*flow to BM on Morivant not working all the time.
*MC Pulverise was not calculation the radius correctly.
*Increased the damage for GF_sound for the Stunning effect which is very nice.
*Dereased the penalty for using PSI_DRAIN on undead and demons since I can save against the backlash.
*Increased the penalty for Aggrevation Curse. Borg needs to be more sneaky.
*No longer a reward for carrying a Digger
*Will carry a MM wand and SC wand
*no buying for home until level 15, use that cash for improved equipment.
*Interact with the Recharge guy.
*Pot of Curing worth 50 HP
*modified greed
*leave level in 8 based on count_sell
*modified the crush_junk slightly
*modified count_sell to decrease greed.
*Powerdiving enabled.
*Restock is now immediate.
*Count the monster types and only be afraid of multiple breeders (not one insect buy clevel insects)
*Upp’d the reward for vamping to balance it with melee.
*more careful consideration of count_sell()
*Corrected some errors in the *ID* function
*leash is not needed if shallow (clevel -10)
*Can flow to the Ranger Guild and Fighter Hall and pimp his gear.
*no need to carry *ID* if I can visit the Library (in town 3)
*phychometry improved
*borg_surrounded improved
*buy-sell loop at clevel 30 and ?Teleport
*Fixed ID problems with level 25-40 Mindcrafters
*now enchanting missile
*shapechanging monsters will being recreated each round.
*borg was missing “is more dazed”
*Needed to place floor grid undercertain types of monsters.
*Was not checking TDE due to borg_check_lite()
*be xtra careful to not use GF_Sound against potions.
*Sometimes he could hang while casting back to back Precogition after level 20.
*Borg was carrying some un-id’d cursed stuff and not junking it.
*PSI only does damage if LOS().
*borg clevel >40 could try to use Minor Displacement as a phase instead of dimension door.
*Vampires are allowed to recall to town during daylight.
*Vamps do not recall into the dungeon until they get RLight. That way, when they use Recall to escape the dungeon, upon their return,
they are standing on the stairs, and can easily flee the possible sunlight.
*Might not be able to exit the fighter hall properly if he did not upgrade an item.
*Slight improvement to chasing down items even if they are far from the stairs.
*Borg could loop on enchanting his bow from the ranger guild.
*borg was learning that some items were cursed when he was not privy to that info.
*Vampire borgs will now recall into the dungeon from standing on the stairs. Thus avoiding the problem of recalling back into the middle of town during daylight hours.
*Munchking Start
*No need to visit home in the shopping or flow all-shop in 1st town. He won’t store anything there.
*The restock code will consider ?Teleport and _Teleport when counting the teleport types.
*borg_flow_retreat or _recover?
-borg8.c borg_think_dungeon.
-borg6.c borg_flow_recover
-borg6.c borg_check_rest
*Anyone faster than me is a scary guy until clevel 6
*Added an offensive maneuver to the borg defense
*Better handling of the deep water and deep lava.
*Better handling of danger on grids unreachable by certain types (water, lava)
*New defence maneuver, strong offence.
*Added checks on tohit vs ac with missiles and melee weaps.
*Increased value for purchasing enchant tohit and enchant armor scrolls from the stores.
*Removed a penalty for buying some items while encumbered. Those items are those which will be immediately used.
*Improved the formula for calculating the chance to hit, by factoring the bonuses for sleeping, and terrain.
*Fixed an encumberance issue.
*Lunal mode and munchkin start are now able to absorb (pick-up) even when inventory is full.
*A monster bound to a grid type does not extend fear to non-adjacent grid types:
-Fish can only threaten grids adjacent to them. Fast fish cannot really threaten
grids 2 spaces away when the in-between grid is not water.
*Sold a sling {good} without first ID’ing it.
*He was slow to ID the phial, and might sell it before ID’ing it.
*Borg was not considering the zangband bonus based on weapon weight.
*Some Vampires might forgot to resupply ?Satify Hunger if they ran out.
*Trump weapons can supply a source of teleport/escape.
*Redefined borg_count_sell() to accurately give a count of items that would truely be sold in town.
*improved the handling of the identify/sensed items.
*Borg was trying to recharge a non-id’d wand at the Recharge Guy and failing.
*Scaling prices for ID’ing gear (scaled price for enchanting stuff too?)
*TEST Paladin guild Code for enchanting armor.
*Scaling prices for guild members.
*Rogues can get a share of the Thieves Gold Money.
*Sorcery Realm can ID at sorc tower cheaply.
*Check to see if opening a door would be dangerous and if so, don’t do it.
*Priests (Life Realm) can bless any weapon even artifacts.
Borgs need to add temporary branding to the weapons.
*Add fail rates to the branding spells
*Sorcery spell: Elemental
-Death Pois
-Death Vamp
*Trump spell makes the item slay demon.
*Do not do this in town.
*Updated the borg_notice flags (num_shots, to_hit bonuses) based on race/class/temp spells
*Certain races/classes get special bonuses for choosing a weapon type (xtra1.c)
*Added Teleketic Wave as a defense maneuver.
*recharge looping with perma-defence manuevers (looping with resistance cloak activation)
*The zborg was having problems ID’ing some {good} or {excellent} items.
*Excavating treasure veins greatly improved.
*Sleep wands are liked more.
*Borg will not flow to a stair if a monster is sitting on the stair.
*Will not enchant up the digger.
*Borg will wear depth appropriate gear (no need for RDisn at depth 20)
*Removed the magic numbers for the borg_has[]
*Borg needs to know that the elemental protection rings can cast the appropriate resistance (and attack).
*Domination improved and he will dismiss Pets (usefull for Warrior of the Dawn). Trump Realm borgs will not dismiss pets.
*Borg was not dropping {terrible} items even after they were *ID*’d
*Munchkin Start added
*not climbing during daylight just to sell stuff, stay deeping in dungeon.
*Reduced the number of scaryguys in town. (non threatening ones removed)
*Speed up borg_danger() by preloading certain monster data instead of rebuilding it each time.
*Moved the borg_prep into an array to reduce the number of calls to the function. It is called fewer times.
*Borg was not buying things from the Bookstore correctly.
*Borg was swapping for his shovel in town and that lead to him selling his good weapon.
*Some improvement to how the borg explores the dungeon around depth 20.
*BI_Depth was being used instead of cdepth
*Barbarians and Half-trolls were not using their racial abilities as they as they could.
*Borg could get stuck trying to crush an unID’d artifact that had a previous inscription.
*Borg needed to shift the panel for offscreen monsters as well as the invisible ones.
*Borg will set the empty_level option to off by default.
*ESP moved as a requirement to depth 45.
*Borg will make a better attempt at grabbing gear after killing a monster before fleeing the area.
*Added a few routines to allow the borg to swap in his swap-weapon to do more damage.
*Improvements to Trump Spell handling.
*Improvements to how borg deals with friendly monsters.
*He is doing defence maneuvers and not resting when a pet is near. skip friendly or pets when doing monster checks. and tracking of friendlies
*Life can bless weapons and arrows.
*Day of the Dove is also a defence maneuver which will be called when the borg is surrounded.
*Borg might not catch when a previously friendly monster turns back into an enemy.
*No regional fear induced from non-los pets.
*Forbid crushing junk in town.
*Fixed ‘testing’trying’ some chaos spells which needed a target after invocation.
*Borg will improve the borg_projectable if he is in a fear_regional[][] area.
*Spell address for Sorcery Perma Speed.
*Spell address issue for Satisfy Hunger on Sorc Realm
*Branding of Weapon fixed.
*Vampires might rest to recover in town during night but wake up during day time and fry.
*In borg_caution(), if goal_fleeing was set, then the borg ought not attempt defence or heal maneuvers.
*Borg will dismiss pets if he runs out of light. This will keep him from accidently attacking them and making them hostile.
*Does test unknown rods
*Shoots rods for munchking mode
*Added ShootN’Scoot for phase door and Dim Door.
*borg will not carry diggers if he has >$125000
*Vampire was attempting to Drain Blood from a Hellblade eventhough the vamp knows it is non-living.
*Borg was not recognizing the pain messages related to fire and elec aura, and believed a non-los monster was the cause.
*Borg was not inscribing the randarts correctly and this would kep him selling them.
*Needed to make better use of the home.
*Repair to bouncing if a monster sat on an item.
*Repaired the mutation Dazzel.
*Repaired mutation locations for certain races.
*Borg won’t try to use Panic Hit mutation on Never_Move monsters.
*Borg was over estimating his success rate on certain racial activations.
*Borg needed to know that discounts don’t merge in the stores.
*Improvements to using Telekinetic Wave while in a vault. Borg uses it as a technique for teleport away.
*Improvement to how the borg calculates monsters moving over z-terrains.
*After Amnesia induced from ‘horrible visions’ borg needed to forget the map and regions that were magic mapped.
*Mana penalty was too great for dipping into reserve mana.
*After Wiz_lite, unknown grids are coverted into dark floor grids.
*Borg was miscalculating the bonus for +damage on weapons. In 240 combat style. It has a relatively small effect.
*Reduced the penalty for using Cold and Sound spells near potions on the ground. Only desireable potions have a penalty.
*Jump into pit for mindcrafters
*Needed to make sure a take was seen recenlty before he flows to it.
*Orb of Draining on nonID items to destroy the cursed ones.
*Added support for carrying Pot of Resistance.
*New Flow_glyph added, which will create a sea of runes. Not tested yet.
*Borg can visit the Chaos Tower to fix mutations.
*Mutation of Resistance supported for activation and counts towards inventory.
*Morgoth special handling routines:
*Sea of Runes will be created.
*MC are allowed to cast spells when blinded
*No AS corridor is monster is adjacent.
*Borg was getting twitchy after stepping on a special town door. He could not figure out how to flow over the door; he thought it was impassable.
*Borg will keep track of worn items to avoid looping on Best Combo
*Borg was not looking at the minimum fail rate requests for certain mutation activations.
*Borg will consider unknown grids in a region that has been magic mapped at floor grids.
*Borg has a bounce between flowing to a stair in order to leave a level an trying to pick up an item. I told the borg to not pick up items if he was in the process of leaving the level.
*Borg was bouncing between flowing to an asleep town monster (then not attacking it) and flowing to the shops. Once the monster woke up, he attacked it. Borg will be allowed to attack sleeping town monsters.
*Borg with no food will stair scum to get to the surface. In doing so, he will not chase down monsters or items (except food) while in this state.
*Problem with the borg activating the Mutation Mind Blast, thinking it had a radius effect.
*Borg was casting the Mind Wave defence manuever repeatedly, thinking he was blasting some monsters in a darkened room. He will not be required to have seen the monsters more recently.
*Borg might starve to death waiting for summoner monsters to approach him.
*Penalty for dipping into reserve mana when casting Psychic Drain was removed, since that spell returns mana.
*When using DimDoor to escape, the borg will now choose a spot further away, if the dangers are equal.
*Radiation mutation was being considered as a ball instead of a dispel effect.
*Certain Dispel effects were passed positive through borg_projectable, but failed in the project_path() from spells1.c In effect, it was a ‘knight movement’ error. They show up from time to time. LOS() is positive going one direction but not the other (monster->player vs player->monster). I added the reverse LOS check to verify the projection path both ways.
*Before jumping into a pit and casting Mind Wave as a defence, the borg will check to make sure he has sufficient HP.
*Track bad landing zones when trying DimDoor. There might be an unseen obstacle keeping him from sucessfully jumping. And he might try to jump onto the same spot repeatedly.
*Using Mind Wave as a defence had some problems if he was in a room with a few Raals Tomes. Borg will now keep track of the danger induced from non-effected (empty mind) monsters. If the danger is too high, he won’t use the Mind Wave defence.
*There was a crash error being caused by a variable being overwritten. The problem was in the wildernes grids for tracking town location. That overwrote the array for tracking glyphs. When a certain glyph was created, it caused a crash. It was not fun to track down.
This brings us up to date with the blog entries.

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