Reworked Earthquake spell as a defense maneuver. It is a bit smarter now and can be used to reduce the LOS from ranged attackers.
Added Banishment as a spell allowed to cut into reserve mana. Each class has a certain amount of reserved mana and if a spell dips into the reserve, there is a penalty. The reserve is meant to be there for a final escape spell. Since Banishment is a type of escape, it is allowed to dip into the reserve without penalty. Also, Banishment is penalized slightly if it will be used on a unique that is heavily wounded.
borg_check_rest() looks to see if the region is generally safe and it needed some modifications to allow for more frequent resting to regain mana.
Rods of Healing use improved. Increase # of rods of healing carried by each class. He doesn’t crush or sell them.
Fix in borg4.c for the use of borg_spell_okay() and borg_spell_legal. One looks at whether or not the borg could cast the spell and the other is a check to see if the borg can cast it immediately. The lead to inventory issues in town when the mana dropped.
Monster fear region[][] modified if below depth 80. Allows him to rest better.
fear_grid[][] modified so that no fear is added if a monster does not have LOS.
borg_defend_aux_inviso() needed to accomdate for unseen guys in halls (like a vortex hiding in a dark hallway), not just inviso guys. It was built specifically for inviso-guys, like ghosts. It is adapted to broaden its applicability.
Delete the regional_fear[][] when monster is created. Regional_fear[][] is applied when the borg is attacked from an unseen monster. It keeps him from resting in an area and adds general fear to a region. Sometimes, the fear needs to be removed after a monster is created.
Rest to regain mana more when deep dungeon (> 85) .
Rods of Recall will be standard equipment regardless of the spell.
The next thing I will be working on is reworking the borg_heal() to take care of the changes in the potions. They heal a percent now instead of a fixed amount. This makes the potions more useful.