One more repair to the shopping bug.

  • I forgot to complete a change from the other day.  Borgs were still trying to sell rings to a full shop, and there was a potential issue with wands and staves.
  • A crash was reported in borg6 related to the borg losing track of an item.

I am still seeing lots of sync issues.  I have noticed that the async can be induced when a monster picks up an item (like an arrow).  It does not always happen.  But I suspect there is a keyboard flush which is causing the async.


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1 Response to One more repair to the shopping bug.

  1. IL says:

    Hello, old time borg user here – I thought this project was gone, until I found this web page that is.

    The current latest version of the 341 borg does not start for me. It says it is missing the msvcrt110d.dll lib, which I guess is a debug version of a regular vs2012 library? Maybe the exe was not compiled in “release” settings or something?

    With the 320 version I had the problem: it complains of the limits.txt file, last line. Regular Angband 3.2.0 exe runs fine from the same directory. In any case the txt files have not been altered from release.

    I could not find any contact info here, maybe you can drop me a line on my email address over there?

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