V and Z Borg Updates

I’ve been working on the vanilla 341 borg as well as the Z240 borg for several months.  Here are the fixes and upgrades:

Vanilla 341 borg:

  • A hallucinating borg does not create new monsters.  This can be a problem if the game starts with him having hallucination.  He could actually start in a crowd of monsters but create no monster entries and subsequently assign no danger to the grids.
  •  Observe_kill_diff() was modified to that the borg can create monster entries if he is just starting out the game.
  • Borg will not crush an equipment item if he has an empty slot which could be filled by that item.
  • Borg was not wanting to equip a bow item into an empty slot if he was empty of ammo since the my_good_ammo was tval=0, and the new equipment as a real my_ammo_tval.
  • There are new pain messages, death messages.
  • Plural names are supported (mouse/mice, etc).
  • Offset targeting will be skipped if the attack has the same result as a direct hit.
  • Borg will prefer to shoot a closer monster if the rewards are the same.
  • Flask of oil counts for double fuel for borg_prep purposes.
  • Borg_sawp_ring() was missing a final borg_notice() after restoring all the original equipment.  This omission lead the borg to miss certain flags of one of the rings.
    Also fixed the borg_swap_ring() so that he can actually select which finger.  In older versions of Angband, only the left finger was the target of a ring if both hands were full.
  • Borg will not borg_flow_kill() to a monster with distance <=3 if he has Fear or Curse Afraid.
  • Couple of improvements to the munchkin mode related to the borg diving when encumbered.
  • Borg_think_dungeon_brave() needed to be able to flow to any stairs, even down-stairs while not prepared. Not doing so, could induce twitchy behavior which is usually fatal.
  • No ShootN’Scoot for rogues.
  • Rogues need to be penalized for using bolt spells.  He drains his mana which is needed for Phase and Teleport.

Zangband 240

  • The zborg has certain routines to create a sea of runes.  To save computation, he should not continue considering the routines if he does not have any way to cast the glyphs.
  • The borg could fill up with items while in munchkin mode and forget to crush junk if he were off of a stair.  The ‘be on a stair’ check was removed.  He can now crush junk as long as it is a safe place.
  • The might sometimes over estimate how far he could throw an item, thus leading to loops of ineffectual attack attempts.
  • The borg_crush__() routines needed a fix related to the borg_wield_slot() calls.
  • Borg_notice_aux1() had a typo related to monk speed calculations.


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